Catch up with our webinar “How to simplify Life Cycle Assessment in deep geothermal projects with the novel GEOENVI tool”
April 29, 2020
Environmental concerns are a major barrier for the development of the deep geothermal market. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the best answer to assess potential environmental impacts. But the methods to perform LCA can vary widely and take a long time.
The experts of the EU-funded GEOENVI project are developing an innovative methodology to perform LCA in a much simpler and quicker way. This novel tool will help the developers of deep geothermal energy projects and decision-makers to evaluate what benefits will result from the development of the geothermal project and allow public acceptance.
The GEOENVI project hold a webinar on 27 April 2020 to discuss this ground-breaking LCA tool with over 120 attendees, including ministries from around the world, energy players and Universities.
Introduction to GEOENVI project and harmonised methodologies for environmental impact assessment with a life-cycle perspective for geothermal systems – Sylvia Rakel GUÐJÓNSDÓTTIR (Orkustofnun)
Presentation of the guidelines to perform environmental assessment for geothermal systems – Maria Laura PARISI (Siena university, CSGI)
Presentation of the methodology to generate simplified models – Isabelle BLANC (MINES ParisTech)
Presentation of GEOENVI case studies (characteristics of the site, simplified models):
Rittershofen (France): Guillaume RAVIER (ES-geothermie) and Melanie DOUZIECH (ARMINES)
Bagnore (Italy) – Lorenzo TOSTI & Nicola FERRARA (CSGI)
Balmatt (Belgium) – Virginie HARCOUËT-MENOU (VITO) & Nicola FERRARA (CSGI)